Friday 12 July 2013

The Wonders of Wheatgrass

Monday, 10 May 2010 Gayle Eversole


What helps you naturally improve 70+ ailments and provides at least two dozen health benefits? Wonderful wheatgrass. Just one 3 ounce serving of this healing elixir provides you with about 36mg of chlorophyll and leads the way in detoxifying your body’s cells: cellular detoxification and nutrition are foundations of health.

Chlorophyll is akin to hemoglobin in the blood.  This iron-binding element in red blood cells carries oxygen to other body cells. In turn, this stimulates your red blood cells to carry more oxygen and key minerals like magnesium. Replete with high vitamin, mineral, protein and enzyme content, chlorophyll-laden wheatgrass is anti-cancer; it’s helpful in removing toxic heavy metals, protects you from DNA damage, and boosts immunity while serving as an anti-infective agent.

Wheatgrass supplies over 100 nutrients that are easily absorbed because they are in the whole food state. It takes energy to keep your body detoxified and in positive health and wheatgrass offers you superfood energy to support this important process. Wheatgrass has been commonly used since the 1900s as an adjunct to health and wellness programs. Its benefits are many - it cleans your lymph system, cleanses and builds blood, restores nutritional balance and vitality, nourishes the liver and kidneys.

Wheatgrass is also known to help minimize fatigue, improve sleep, increase strength, naturally regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, support weight loss, improve digestion and elimination, support healthy skin, teeth, eyes, muscles and joints, improves function of your heart-lungs and reproductive organs, helps heal ulcers and skin sores, slows cellular aging, improves mental function, helps arthritis and muscle cramping, and contains anti-cancer constituents.

Wheatgrass juice generally contains no harmful substances with the exception of a possible allergic reaction. Oddly, wheat allergy is related to a nutrient deficiency of linoleic acid in your diet. Magnesium helps offset this allergy.

Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, MH, NP, ND, is a natural health educator and advocate. She is the founder and director of Creating Health Institute and The Oake Centre for natural health education. Celebrating 50+ years blending science and the natural healing arts. Sign up for her herbalYoda newsletter.

This article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not take the place of a consultation with a qualified health care professional. Always consult a physician or other qualified health care professional before taking any herbs or applying any therapies. The reader must assume full responsibility for verifying any information or therapies with a qualified physician or health care professional.


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