Mighty Oxford Financial loses big case with client | 2013-07-18 | Indianapolis Business Journal | IBJ.com@import url("/css/shared/default.css");/* START: Codes for all IE6+ browsers */#menu {font-size: 12px;position: absolute;z-index: 99;top: 142px;left: 0px;height: 35px;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;display: block} #menu ul.level-1 {display: inline-block;margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none;zoom: 100%;height: 42px;background-repeat: no-repeat;}#menu ul.level-1 div.sub-menu {position: absolute;left: -9999px;display: none;white-space: nowrap;}.new {background-color:#000099;}#menu ul.level-1 .left div.sub-menu {position: absolute;right: auto;left: -9999px;display: none;}#menu ul.level-1 .right div.sub-menu {position: absolute;left: auto;right: -9999px;display: none;}#menu ul.level-1 li.level-1-li {float: left;display: block;position: relative;padding-top: 0;height: 42px;}#menu TABLE a {font-size:12px;} #menu ul.level-1 li.left {float: left;display: block;position: relative;padding-top: 0;margin: 0;}#menu ul.level-1 li.right {float: left;display: block;position: relative;padding-top: 0;margin: 0;} #menu ul.level-1 li.level-1-li a.level-1-a {color: #FFFFFF;font-weight: bold;float: left;display: block;height: 35px;line-height: 35px;text-decoration: none;padding: 0 15px 0 15px;text-align: center;background-image: url(/images/global/nav_bg.jpg);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-right: 1px solid #2a5290;}#menu ul.level-1 li.level-1-li.hover a.level-1-a,#menu ul.level-1 li.level-1-li.active a.level-1-a{color:#69AAf1;}#menu ul.level-1 li.left a.level-1-a {float: left;display: block;height: 35px;line-height: 35px;text-decoration: none;padding: 0 15px 0 15px;text-align: center;}#menu ul.level-1 li.right a.level-1-a {float: left;display: block;height: 35px;line-height: 35px;text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold;padding: 0 15px 0px 15px;border-right: 0px none;} #menu ul.level-1 li.first a.level-1-a {background-image: url(/images/global/nav_bg_left.jpg);background-repeat: no-repeat;}#menu ul.level-1 li.last a.level-1-a {background-image: url(/images/global/nav_right.jpg);background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: top right;}#menu ul.level-2 li.first, #menu ul.level-2 li.last {background-image: none;} /* END: Codes for all IE6+ browsers */ /* START: This block of CSS is only used by post-IE6 browsers */ #menu ul.level-2 {display: inline-block;margin: 0;padding: 0;list-style: none; 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Mighty Oxford Financial loses big case with client An arbitrator ordered the Carmel financial-advisory firm to pay $2.2 million to Reid Hospital & Health Services of Richmond. The dispute involved a delay in executing trades in 2011 that the hospital alleged cost it $2.5 million.
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Most Read Most E-mailed Recent Comments Snooty Fox restaurant closes after 29 years Weatherman Wright feels wronged, leaving WTHR, report says Meteorologist Buchman leaves WISH-TV, as expected FBI searches City-County Building, makes multiple arrests in Land Bank probe WTHR meteorologist leaving for position in Texas Most Read Most E-mailed Recent Comments Group eyes vacant Illinois Street building for charter school A2SO4 architectural firm reopens after temporary closure Anthem tries new 'narrow network' strategy Chrysler confirms state investment of $374 million IU, Marian set to launch wave of docs Most Read Most E-mailed Recent Comments Jake's creepy obsession with every word I type aside, Carter also makes some giant leaps of stereotype. "Disciple, are you basically saying no one is in control at IMS?" No. Mark Miles is the latest guy in charge. "Whenever something you seemingly do not like occurs, you always start blaming it on things like 'the same self interested fools that have been trying to kill the sport for thirty years.' Who is in control at IMS? I thought it was the George family." Uh, the George family OWNS the track (and ultimately the series). The day-to-day management falls to Mark Miles and his team. "Wasn't one of the whole ideas behind Tony Jr's move to control the sport was to actually control the sport? Amazing, they run the show and they still can't control it. What does that say?" It says Mark Miles is allowing himself to be unduly influenced by Euro-centric road racing enthusiasts without regard for history and the approaches that have failed multiple times. "Sorry, you can keep trying to pass the buck to 'cart' and 'champcar' owners. 17 years since the second split, 8 years of total control after the merger. The buck stops with IMS and the Georges. They allowed Junior to run it, they put Bernard in, they brought Miles as the Sports Marketing Savior. It's theirs." One hallmark of those who are militantly pro-cart and whose only frame of reference post-dates 1979 is knee-jerk defensiveness whenever anything that could even remotely be construed as a slam on two of the series that did, in actual fact, die is uttered anywhere. The issues with which we must deal today have little to do with cart. They have been dead and gone for a long time. My big problem is a giant imbalance in scheduling in favor of non-ovals. I want a true balance. I do not want another futile attempt to try and make a form of racing popular in this country that has never been accepted by the mainstream long term. As long as people like Dan Anderson are going to be allowed to purge ovals to please road racers, and owners hire formula specialists from abroad, and the venue imbalance continues being top heavy with twisties I will continue urging common sense and respect for history. It may not do any good, but someone needs to speak up. There are plenty of great choices to allow ten ovals, five natural terrain road courses and five festivals o' speed. 50/50. That makes IndyCar more unique and versatile than anything else, could be an inspired marketing theme and would attract a great cross section of casual fans. IMHO it is high time for IndyCar to quit screwing around and kowtowing to owners who have a proven history of failure where running a series is concerned. Chris was fine. He is professional and polite- but his presentation -especially during dangerous weather-was nothing special while Angie's broadcasts were engaging and very helpful. The best weather person in Indy is Chuck Loftus -love idea of flat Chuck! Welcome Angie to a great team. Thank you Chris time for something new also. Greg, your comments in regards to renters are absurd. Lumping all renters into the category of 'frat boys' is very ignorant. In addition, you do realize that people can rent houses in Broad Ripple. Why aren't you up in arms about people that decide to rent their house out? Greg, renters can and do have an interest in their communities. The younger generation (read: me) doesn't feel the need to buy a permanent location for the long-term, and we've seen what "property values" are good for. But that doesn't mean we want to live in a pit. Renters want nice furnishings, good parks, proximity to necessities, and safe neighborhoods just like homeowners do. To say that all renters are frat boys is extremely ownist of you. The ignorance on display in some of these posts is astounding! This project is absolutely justified. I would assume from the comments here that several of you rarely, if ever, actually make it to downtown and have very little clue about an urban environment. To "The Burbs": Please, stay there! Or, you might want to actually check out Georgia St. on any Friday night during the summer, whenever there is Pacers game or tournament in town... its hardly the forlorn place you make it out to be. To "Fuzzy": Nevermind..... The circle, even if not the largest public space in the city, is certainly the most high profile. In fact, Monument Circle was recently named one of the great public spaces of the entire country. Anyone who would dismiss the need for this investment is simply out of touch. Multimedia Video Photo Gallery IBJ Event Videos

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